I just acquired a large vintage print entitled Young Shipbuilder. The print impressed me with its quality and artful look. The label on the back reads "Vivitone Etching - each color applied with an intaglio plate by the Vivitone etching process. An authentic replica which retains the depth and blended colors of the artists original. Made by Borin Art Products Corp. Chicago, Ill."
Young Shipbuilder
Borin Art Product Corp - Vivitone Label
You can find many beautiful prints by Borin on different websites. In excellent condition, with original frame, these prints generally sell for $50-$150 (depending on size, age, artist, and quality of the image). The heyday of Borin Art Product Corp was the 1920's - 1940's. Unlike other companies that produced similar prints, Borin seemed to publish artwork that would appeal to both men and women. Certainly my print of the shipbuilder would look great in a man's den or office.
Below are photos of 5 other Borin prints. One by the well collected artist R. Atkinson Fox dates to the 1920s as do at least 2 other examples. Being a fan of silent movies my favorite is Arabian Love a clever move to capitalize on Valentino's popularity as the sheik without paying an royalties. Also a recent
Kovels blog mentions an artist by the name of Alfred T. Terone who worked for Borin producing original artwork that was then mass-produced. So it would seem that Borin reproduced art by both well know artists and artists who employed directly by the company.
Title Unknown
Holland Flower Market 1928 |
R. Atkinson Fox print
Borin Mark with copyright symbol
1928 Arabian Love
Under Tripoli Skies - Signed La Tessa
Currently ebay has a 1940's photo of a Nathan Borin described by the press as a Chicago art dealer. He is news because he is one of the "Battling Borins", famous for their 150 appearances in court during their 14 year marriage. Here he announces plans to wed the former Miss Miami Beach, Janet Shore, 32 years his junior. I 'm not sure this is the same Borin who owned the art products corp. but it seems likely. If so he had an eye for beautiful art and beautiful women, but as husband he was not so good.
Photo from ebay seller Historic Images